VALA2008 Session 1 Barnes

VALA2008Making a virtual community real: redeveloping eSKILLS Plus using Web 2.0

Tuesday 5 February 2008, 11:55 – 12:30
Persistent URL:

VALA Peer Reviewed PaperCameron Barnes

eAccess Librarian, University of New England University Library

Karan Jones

eAccess Librarian, University of New England University Library

Please tag your comments, tweets, and blob posts about this session: #VALA2008


The eSKILLS Plus Web site provides information literacy (IL) instruction for postgraduates at the University of New England. A recent decision to redevelop the site raised a number of issues. What constitutes IL for postgraduates? Should eSKILLS Plus cover topics not normally regarded as library responsibilities? How could we make online learning more authentic and engaging? Could Web 2.0 approaches allow us to make something more than a collection of resources? Could we aim at creating an online learning community? How could we evaluate project outcomes? How would the redeveloped site measure up to better-resourced projects elsewhere? This paper looks at some of the answers to these questions.

VALA2006 Session 13 Nunn

VALA2006Putting the pieces together: connectivity, content and confidence

VALA 2006 CONCURRENT SESSION 13: Information Literacy and the Digital Divide
Friday 10 February 2006, 11:20 – 11:50
Persistent URL:

VALA Peer Reviewed PaperBarry Nunn

Senior Education Officer, State Library of New South Wales

Please tag your comments, tweets, and blob posts about this session: #VALA2006


Providing connectivity to public libraries has been a State Library of New South Wales priority since 1997. Without content and the skills for effective use of this content, connectivity is of little value. This paper explores initiatives to enhance the use of online content. Building skills and confidence in staff and clients are important elements in maximising the benefits of enhanced connectivity.