VALA2004 Session 2 Hudson

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CONZULSys project: a model for university library collaboration in New Zealand

VALA 2004 CONCURRENT SESSION 2: Co-operatives & Consortia
Tuesday 3 February 2004, 11:20 – 11:50

Rosemary Hudson

Deputy University Librarian, University of Otago

Ainslie Dewe

University Librarian, Auckland University of Technology

VALA Peer Reviewed Paper

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CONZULSys was formed under the aegis of CONZUL (Council of New Zealand University Librarians) in a climate of increasing collaboration and the need to provide an efficient, cost effective library service to New Zealand university students, staff and researchers. The consortium began with four members – Auckland University of Technology, University of Otago, University of Waikato, and Victoria University of Wellington – for the joint purchase and operation of an Information & Resource Access Management System (IRAMS) to be managed in a hosted environment. Progress in implementation and future development of the consortium are outlined.

VALA2004 Session 2 Binnion

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SWIFT – the Future Library System for Victoria’s Communities

VALA 2004 CONCURRENT SESSION 2: Co-operatives & Consortia
Tuesday 3 February 2004, 11:20 – 11:50

John Binnion

Chief Executive Officer, Eastern Regional Libraries

David A Cochrane

Director – Corporate Finance, PricewaterhouseCoopers

VALA Peer Reviewed Paper

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The SWIFT Initiative is a proposal for Victorian public libraries to collaboratively share the operation of one library management system to achieve improved service outcomes for library users plus operational and cost benefits for the participating libraries. It is envisaged that over time all Victorian public libraries would participate. This paper is about two aspects of the SWIFT Initiative. The paper covers the underlying reasons that prompted consideration for the proposed project and an overview of the business case prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers. Through substantiation of the validity of the proposal, the business case was intended to persuade libraries and Councils of the merits of the project and to participate and for the Victorian State Government to provide a special funding grant to assist with the initial establishment costs of the collaborative venture.

VALA2004 Session 2 Wight

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The Gulliver Online Database Evaluation Tool

VALA 2004 CONCURRENT SESSION 2: Co-operatives & Consortia
Tuesday 3 February 2004, 11:55 – 12:30

Teresa Wight

Information Technology and Information Service Manager, Whitehorse Manningham Regional Library Corporation

VALA Peer Reviewed Paper

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The Gulliver Consortium is a Victorian public library based group formed in 2001. Gulliver purchases electronic databases for members and selects databases after careful evaluation on specified criteria of content, statistical and technical features and vendor viability. After some months of evaluating databases using an Excel spreadsheet, an online version was developed to improve the administration of the tool and also the transparency of the evaluation process. The online tool is also flexible and can easily grow to accommodate a larger number of databases. Additional features will be added to the tool in future “upgrades”.

VALA2004 Session 4 O’Brien

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Collaboration, community and consortia in the digital provision of art images

VALA 2004 CONCURRENT SESSION 4: Managing Digital Objects
Tuesday 3 February 2004, 14:00 – 14:30

Stephen O’Brien, 2002 VALA Travel Scholar

Campus Librarian, Hunter Street Campus, Hunter Institute – TAFE NSW

VALA Peer Reviewed Paper
VALA Travel Scholar

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A convergence of technologies is bringing about a fundamental shift in the way in which art and cultural resources are being accessed. I will describe some of the image databases and delivery systems which have been developed, how collaborative and consortia ventures are distributing cultural content beyond traditional boundaries and how standards developed by the visual resources community have facilitated systems interoperability and helped to create the possibility of a massive growth in the availability of resources online. I also examine implications for the wider library and information management community, especially as they relate to education.

VALA2004 Session 14 Green

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Distributed authentication for the Western Australian University Libraries

VALA 2004 CONCURRENT SESSION 14: User Authentication
Thursday 5 February 2004, 14:00 – 14:30

Peter Green

e-Library Development Librarian, Curtin University of Technology

VALA Peer Reviewed Paper

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The need to establish a means of achieving reliable, automated inter-institutional authentication was identified by the Western Australian Group of University Librarians (WAGUL) in 1999 as a strategic priority and a project was subsequently established as a result of a substantial grant from the Commonwealth Development Pool (CDP). The WAGUL Authentication Project (WALAP) first reported on its progress at VALA 2002 and now follows up with a report on the achievements to date and the challenges to come.

VALA2000 Session 1 Whitehead

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Gulliver: head, shoulders (and knees) above the rest?

VALA 2000 CONCURRENT SESSION 1: Hybrid Libraries
Wednesday 16 February 2000, 11:55 – 12:30

Derek Whitehead

Principal, Cawdron Associates

Rebecca Toohey

Project Officer, Libraries Online, State Library of Victoria

VALA Peer Reviewed Paper

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First, Gulliver is described and put into a Victorian Government policy context – what is it, and what does it aim to achieve?

Gulliver is part of Libraries Online, a Victorian Government program which links with the Commonwealth’s Rural Libraries Online.

Gulliver builds on these development initiatives by adding content to the network. Gulliver is one of a group of Victorian Government information society initiatives. It will ensure that quality, easy-to-use and up-to-date information on a diverse range of topics is available to all Victorians.

Second, the global context – is Gulliver head, shoulders (and knees) above the rest? The Gulliver initiative will be placed in a wider context and linked to the Virtual Victorian Library.

VALA2000 Session 7 Jennings

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Redefining Access to Information in the Northern Territory

VALA 2000 CONCURRENT SESSION 7: Flexible Delivery
Thursday 17 February 2000, 14:35 – 15:05

Leona Jennings

Manager, Technology Development & Support, Northern Territory Library and Information Service

VALA Peer Reviewed Paper

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While libraries in the Northern Territory have a long history of cooperative sharing of information resources, the introduction of a new library and information management platform – in tandem with initiatives by the Commonwealth and Territory governments to rollout communications infrastructure throughout the Territory – has provided new avenues for the consolidation of services and provision of information to all Territorians.


This paper describes the background, progress to date and future plans for LINNet, and considers the challenges of implementing a system that balances the needs of a consortium of 48 public, community, school, state and government agency libraries.