VALA2012 Session 12 Badham

VALA2012 Session 12 Badham

QR codes: do they provide the missing link between the physical and digital?

VALA2012 CONCURRENT SESSION 12: Apps and Applications
Thursday 9 February 2012, 10:30 – 11:00

Tristan Badham

RMIT University, Vic

(VALA Travel Scholar)

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VALA Peer Reviewed






Travel Scholar

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Thursday, February 09, 2012, 10:30 AM AUSEDT, 31 Minutes 3 Seconds.


This paper provides a comprehensive overview and critical analysis of the implementation of Quick Response codes (QR codes) in academic and public libraries, and investigates their varied uses within Australian and International institutions, with the support of a VALA Travel Scholarship. QR codes are a primary technology being used by libraries to engage and assist users by providing a bridge to access the ever-expanding amount of library information and resources that have been optimised for use on mobile devices. This paper explores the various applications these libraries have found for QR codes, and the processes involved in their implementation, promotion and maintenance; reception by library staff and patrons; future applications for the technology; and discusses related technologies.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License.

Travel Scholar 2010


The VALA Travel Scholarship for 2010 is awarded to Tristan Badham from RMIT University.

Travel ScholarTristan will be travelling to the United Kingdom and the United States in order to investigate various uses of QR codes and mobile devices, most commonly smartphones, which assist library patrons to inform and expand their use of library facilities. He will investigate what what resources and information the QR codes refer people to, the maintenance and updates of QR codes when the information they refer to changes, and how it is decided what the codes will refer people to. His project would also investigate the possible expansion of their use.

Congratulations, Tristan!

Tristan’s research is documented in his paper. This is available via the VALA2012 Conference Proceedings.