Williamson Award 1985


The 1985 Robert D. Williamson Award went to Hans J Zwillenberg.   The Award which he won from 10 others considered by the Committee  acknowledges his contribution to the development of Information Science in Australia.

The 1985 Robert D. Williamson Award Citation for Hans J Zwillenberg reads as follows.

VALA’s most prestigious award is the Robert D. Williamson Award, which is in memory of one of the early pioneers of our industry, Bob Williamson. This biennial award is presented to an individual or organisation who or which, in the opinion of the judging panel, has made and is currently making an outstanding contribution to the development of information technology usage in Australian libraries and is positively and significantly influencing development in information technology usage within libraries.

Important steps in this country’s information science development were achieved by Hans’ involvement in ADSATIS (Australian Defence Scientific and Technical Information Service), in the Defence Information Exchange Agreement between Australia, the US and the UK, and, with Barbara McDonough from the Defence Group Libraries, his organising of Australia’s first exercise in resource sharing.

Hans produced a Directory of Information Sources fro Industry and also worked on the industry information network, preparing the first directory of computer-based information services available to the public in Australia.

In the National Library he became the Director, Technology and set up the Australian Industry Information Network Liaison Committee.

Hans’ activities have ranged beyond his profession. As well as conferences and meetings associated with information science he has also developed his keen interest in military history.

The cash award of $550, plus a framed certificate were presented to Hans by Mrs Enid Williamson at the VALA Conference dinner held the Melbourne Town House in November 1985.

It is with great pleasure that VALA announces the winner of the 1985 Robert D.Williamson award – Hans Zwillenberg.