Melanie Johnson
Taming the lurking beast: can mandatory e-reporting and the creation of course lists manage copyright in the digital space?
Tuesday 9 February 2016, 12:00 – 12:30
Persistent URL: http://www.vala.org.au/vala2016-proceedings/vala2016-session-2-johnson
Melanie Johnson, John Garraway and Eileen Tollan
University of Auckland, New Zealand
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- VALA2016 Session 2 Johnson Slides 459.88 KB
New Zealand Universities have recently agreed to introduce mandatory e-reporting to replace the manual survey and ensure compliance with the terms of the licence agreed with Copyright Licensing New Zealand. In this paper I argue that digital technology provides the means to effectively manage copyright compliance in educational institutions and to counter its uncertainty. The paper considers the background that led to the decision to implement e-reporting and how that implementation is proceeding. It also considers the benefits to the parties, what the road blocks are and how these can be potentially overcome.
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