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Beyond library walls: supporting academic capacity building with digital technologies
Wednesday 10 February 2016, 12:00 – 12:30
Persistent URL: http://www.vala.org.au/vala2016-proceedings/vala2016-session-7-chua
Sharon Chua
Deakin University, Vic
Please tag your comments, tweets, and blog posts about this session: #vala16 #s18
Read the paper, view the video of the presentation on the VALA2016 GigTV channel and view the presentation slides here:
- VALA2016 Session 7 Chua Paper 109.25 KB
- VALA2016 Session 7 Chua Video 36.00 KB
- VALA2016 Session 7 Chua Slides 347.74 KB
The use of digital technology tools is one of the many ways to help academics meet student-learning needs. With diverse student cohorts and high enrolment numbers, there is also a challenge for library support to be inclusive, engaging and sustainable. Academics are often time poor and unaware of how these digital technologies can be used to contribute to their teaching. This paper is written from a business librarian’s perspective on how academics were supported in learning and utilising digital technologies. It consists of a critical reflection of the journey.
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