VALA2024 Venue – How to get about RMIT University & Storey Hall

Welcome to RMIT University & Storey Hall!

The conference is spread out over three floors of RMIT University: The Futures Lecture Theatre on Level 1, The Exhibition Hall and Plenary in the Auditorium on Level 5, and the Brain Room (Lecture Theatre) and Conference Rooms 1 & 2 on Level 7.

What’s on each floor?

Level 1Future Lecture Theatre
Level 2Street Level entry
Level 3Toilets
Level 4Toilets
Level 5Exhibition Hall and Plenary
Level 7Brain Lecture Room (South side)

Conference Rooms 1 & 2 (North Side)

Getting between floors

Elevator or Stairs? Both are available!

Stairs between level 1 and 5 are located in the centre of the building

Stairs between level 5 and 7 are located behind the exhibitor booths in the foyer – up the yellow staircase, through the fire door, and up to the Conference Rooms.

The elevator goes from Level 1 to 7, and opens from both sides on Level 7 – the Brain Room is on the South Side, the Conference Rooms are on the North side.