Tech Camp Organising Committee – meet the people behind VALA Tech Camp 2023.
Mary Filsell
Bio: Research librarian & futurist focused on providing academic library research services for researchers, staff, masters by research and PHD students at Flinders University, South Australia. Personal research interests include: The Carpentries, Open Access Research & Data, FAIR, AI, XR, TDM, GLAMR, DH, UI, UX, CX.
Michelle McLean
Bio: Michelle is passionate about library services and the online world, two things she has combined well with her role as Information Services Coordinator at Casey Cardinia Libraries. She is a past-recipient of a Ramsay Reid Scholarship (State Library of Victoria), alumni of the Aurora Institute, is a published author and has presented at many conferences and seminars around Australia, as well as in the US. Michelle holds a Bachelor of Arts (Librarianship) and a Master of Business (Information Technology).
Amy Miniter
Bio: Amy is a Librarian at the pointy end of a Computer Science degree at RMIT University. She graduated with a Masters of Information Management in 2020 and in a previous life she worked in administration and customer service. Amy is interested in the technology that we use to manage information and is working towards a career that combines Librarianship and Software Development.
Keren Moskal
Bio: Keren is a clinical librarian at Monash Health committed to delivering high quality health information to support patient care, research and education. She is focused on delivering user centred training and education programs in evidence-based practice, information and digital literacy. Keren is the recipient of the 2022 ALIA HLA Anne Harrison Award and co-founder of the Hospital Librarians’ Community of Practice, which has grown to over 90 members across Australasia.
Karen Seligman
Bio: Karen is a Coordinator – Programs and Engagement at Yarra Plenty Regional Library, and has 7 years’ experience in helping people develop digital literacy and STEM/STEAM engagement. As a former research chemist, Karen is passionate about highlighting the role of science and technology in everyday life, and helping people develop skill and confidence in technology use.
Monica Williams
Bio: Monica is a freelance consultant and a Account Manager for OverDrive. Monica has a passion for e-learning and technology. Monica has over 15 years experience working as a Librarian and Multimedia Technician within the corporate and education sectors. She also works as an IT consultant for the School Library Association of Victoria.