The VALA1993 7th Biennial Conference and Exhibition was held at the Melbourne Hilton on the Park, Melbourne, Australia from 9 – 11 November 1993. The theme for this conference was Drinking from a Fire Hose.
The following papers were presented at VALA1993.
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Carole Alcock, University of Wollongong
Preparing for the Electronic Library: fourth year and masters students’ responses to a course on Online Information Services.
Craig Anderson, GEAC Computers
Public Library Use of the Internet
Margaret Appleton and Garry Hall, University of Central Queensland
Electronic Library Services for Remote Students
Tony Barry, Australian National University Library
The Campus Wide Information System meets Jurassic Park
Morris Bellamy, Melbourne City Libraries
Thinking aloud in the streets of Melbourne: interface issues for public information systems
B J Cheney, Dr W Garland, CSIRO Information Technology Services Branch, Kerry Cody, Philip G Kent, CSIRO
Information Services and Lisa M. Belkin, CSIRO Division of Biomolecular Engineering
ADONIS in a network environment
Kaye Cleary and Shannon Azzaro, Ballarat University College, Ballarat
Impact of CD-ROMs at the Reference Desk: Training students to get “reasonable” results
Jennifer Durran, Monash University, Australia
Developments in electronic image databases for art history
Mireille Eid, University of Technology, Sydney
Navigating Cyberspace: The University of Technology, Sydney Library’s experience in training the academic staff of the School of Computing Sciences
Nancy Fjallbrant, Chalmers University of Technology Library, Gothenburg, Sweden
Networks – a European perspective or Who is Who and Where are they doing What
Nancy Fjallbrant, Chalmers University of Technology Library, Gothenburg, Sweden
Networks – I have a dream. The Dream and Reality.
Timothy J. Foley and Joseph P. Lucia, Lehigh University, Pennsylvania, USA
Campus-wide Information Systems: Information Navigation Facilities for the 90’s
Alistair Inglis, RMIT, Melbourne
From across the room to across the world. The electronic delivery of formatted documents — distinguishing the reality from the myth.
Julie Johnson, Edith Cowan University
Citizenship and Public Information Networks
Vanessa Little, PLAIN Central Services (Public Library centralised services) Adelaide, South Australia
Electronic Data Interchange – International Purchasing Standards applied by South Australia’s Public Library Network
Dr. J. Richard Madaus, College Center for Library Automation, Tallahassee, Florida, USA
Large-Scale Centralized Library Automation: The Florida Statewide Experience
R. Barry Martin, The University of Melbourne
Converting published information to electronic form for on-line access: the Copyright implications for Higher Education
Joseph Meloche and Harry Bruce, University of Technology, Sydney
Inhouse CD ROM publishing – local development and network accessibility
James J. Michael, Data Research Associates, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Implications of SR and IR for Libraries
Roxanne Missingham, Australian Nature Conservation Agency, Canberra, ACT
Libraries and Gophers – ANBG Gopher – not just a little squirt
Linda O’Brien, University of Canberra
Management strategies in a networked information environment
Andrew Osborne, Redcliffe City Council Library Service, Qld
Providing Remote Access to Information in a Public Library
Graeme Pattingale, Penrith City Library and Steve Ollerton, Wacher Pty Ltd
Designing and Implementing a Relational Full-Text Retrieval Catalogue
Judith Pearce, National Library of Australia, ACT
Facilitating access to documents via the future National Document and Information Service
Hsiao-Tieh Pu, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan and Lee-Feng Chien, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
A Fast PC-based Chinese Full-text Retrieval System
David Richards, Telecom Australia
Corporate Information Services Today – and Tomorrow
Brian Sanborn and Carla Mellor, State Library of Queensland
Remote access to information resources: a State Library of Queensland scenario
Don Schauder, INFORMIT Electronic Publishing, RMIT
Librarianship and publishing in the electronic era: theoretical concepts and practical opportunities
Andrew Treloar, Deakin University
New Wine into Old Wineskins: Accessing the Internet and Lessons from the Past
Eric Wainwright, National Library of Australia
Towards a national networking strategy
Sue White and Carol Newton-Smith, Curtin University, WA
Beyond the library walls – moving towards the scholar’s workstation
Hisao Yamada, National Center for Science Information Systems (NACSIS), Japan
The Prospect of CJK Technology and Future Information Services in the East Asian Region