The 9th VALA Biennial Conference and Exhibition was held at the Melbourne Convention Centre, Melbourne, Australia from 28 – 30 January 1998. The theme for this conference was Robots to Knowbots: the Wider Automation Agenda.
The following papers were presented at VALA1998.
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Howard Amos, Maxine Brodie and Chris Williams, State Library of New South Wales
NSW.Net: Setting the Net to secure the future of NSW public libraries
Craig Anderson, Yarra Plenty Regional Library
Where do you put the genre sticker in cyberspace ? – an investigation into the organization of Internet based resources.
June Anderson, Monash University Clayton
Expert Systems Revisited: What was Gained and Was too much Expected?
Tony Barry, Australian National University
The Library – a collection of concepts or documents?
John Carlo Bertot, University of Maryland Baltimore County and Christine Mackenzie, Momington Peninsular Shire Council
Victoria and V.S. Public Libraries and the Internet: Issues and Strategies for the Networked Environment
Georgina Binns and Philip Branch, Monash University
Mclver (Multicampus Interactive Video Education Resource)and video-on-demand – an application in an academic environment
Maggie Bond, National Library of Australia
Embracing electronic access: renovating Conspectus for the digital era
Leanne Brandis and Jan Lyall, National Library of Australia
PADI: Preserving access to Australian information and cultural heritage in digital form
Peter Brophy, University of Central Lancashire
It may be electronic but is it any good? Measuring the performance of electronic services
Jess Burke, Queensland University of Technology
Embracing Electronic Access: Renovating Conspectus For The Digital Era: Applied At Queensland University of Technology
Tony Cargnelutti, Richard d’Avigdor and Joe Ury, University of New South Wales
Finding One’s Web Feet. Revisiting KIN: key indicators of electronic resource usage in the web environment
Dale Chatwin, Australian Bureau of Statistics
Harvesting the Lotus: developing, managing and delivering library services in a Lotus Notes environment
Doug Coulson and Martin Fisk, Aurora Information Technology
Opening your multilingual database collections to your patrons
David Cunnington, University of Melbourne
Building Better Gateways: Buddy at the University of Melbourne Library
David Foott, Monash University, Bob Forbes, VICNET and Marc Teichtahl, State Library of Victoria
IP addressing, the world of switching and routing,and managing the network
Catherine Gilbert, Parliamentary Library, Canberra
Who, What and When: Client request/job tracking systems for parliamentary libraries and beyond
Judith Greenaway, Griffith University
Interlending and Document Delivery: the Way Forward
Chris Hannan, State Library of Victoria
Desk top clients: is the network computer an accountant’s dream or a system/network manager’s nightmare?
Gary Hardy, State Library of Victoria and Deidre Lowe, Geac Computers
Getting beyond the “read-only” paradigm
David Hawking, Australian National University and Kerry Webb, CSIRO Centre for Mathematics and Information Science
Coping with Growing Collections of Electronic Text
Renato lannella, DSTC
Mostly Metadata: A Bit of Smarter Technology
Maggie Jones and Colin Webb, National Library of Australia
Electronic Publications and the survival of information
Dr Alex Klugkist, University of Groningen
Libraries, digital collections and electronic publishing
Graeme Knox, RMIT
And Where does NetWare fit?
Indra Kurzeme, State Library of Victoria
Cultural Organisations and Multimedia: what does the customer really want?
Terja Lange, Thorux Pty Ltd
The Unix guru’s view
Bryn Lewis, La Trobe University
Use of artificial intelligence in subject classification
Dr David Lindley and Dr Irfan Ahas, Charles Sturt University and Dr Concepcion S. Wilson, University of New South Wales
A project to discover new knowledge from document collections such as news wire databases
Deidre Lowe, Geac Computers
Putting on a public face: developing an integrated interface to electronic resources
Christine Mackenzie and Leigh Oldmeadow, Mornington Peninsula Shire Council
From records to information services: a journey towards knowledge management
Debbie Orr and Margaret Appleton, Central Queensland University
Management issues surrounding unmediated document delivery at Central Queensland University
Janine Schmidt, The University of Queensland and Hamilton Wilson, Wilson Architects
Designing the real virtual library: an overview of the preparation of an upgrade for the University of Queensland Library
Iain Scott, ADX 2 Consulting Pty Ltd
Building for Wire Speed: Preparing for the LANs and WANs of Tomorrow
Lloyd Sokvitne, State Library of Tasmania
Tasmania Online – issues in the delivery of a State-based Internet indexing service
Sue Steele, Monash University
The Electronic Resources Directory: extending the library catalogue
Roy Tennant, University of California, Berkeley
Strategies for Building 21st Century Libraries and Librarians
Andrew Treloar, Deakin University
Technology as Agent for Transformation: Five Case-Studies of University Libraries as Facilitators for Electronic Scholarly Publishing
Alison Trembath and Suzanne Chapman, Mornington Peninsula Libraries
The Intuitive GUI – do the public find it so?
Joan Tucker, CAVAL and Craige Hicks, Deakin University
CIDER: CAVAL Information Delivery and Electronic Requesting
Dr Nigel Ward and Andrew Wood, CRC for Distributed Systems Technology
Emerging Technologies for Networked Information Discovery: Beyond Z39.50
Mr Kerry Webb and Dr Jordi Robert-Ribes, CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences
Medium well done: finding better ways to access video and audio archives
Andrew Wells, Judith Pearce, Linda Groom and Bronwyn Lee, National Library of Australia
Connecting and sharing: the emerging role of Z39.50 in library networks
David Wells, Curtin University of Technology
Multi-Script and Multi-Language Bibliographic Databases: Some Japanese Perspectives
Deborah Woodyard, National Library of Australia
Farewell my floppy: a strategy for migration of digital information
Tom Worthington, Australian Computer Society
Information Professions Working Together
Stephen Young, The University of Melbourne
The NT Pragmatist’s line