VALA2002 Plenary 5 Chia

VALA Keynote speaker

Creating an Inclusive Information Future through Singapore’s Libraries

VALA 2002 PLENARY 5: Christopher Chia
Friday 8 February 2002, 09:00 – 10:15
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Dr Christopher Chia

National Library Board Singapore

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The National Library Board’s approach to creating an inclusive information future in Singapore was twofold – building an info-literate nation through providing facilities for IT Literacy training programmes, and a nurturing environment in its libraries for further skills development; easing library users into using electronic services through providing online options for basic library services before launching value-added personalized information services. The Board is also building an e-inclusive region by connecting ASEAN and Asia to each other and to the rest of the world. Initiatives include the CONSALWeb which connects a regional grouping of librarians from ASEAN countries.


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