When protocol works: the state of the ISO ILL Protocol in the Australian resource sharing environment
VALA2002 CONCURRENT SESSION 12: Standards and Protocols
Friday 8 February 2002, 11:55 – 12:30
Persistent URL: http://www.vala.org.au/vala2002-proceedings/vala2002-session-12-moreno
Margarita Moreno and Rob Walls
National Library of Australia
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The ISO Interlibrary Loans Protocol (ISO 10160/10161) is increasingly being adopted by ILMS vendors, who are either developing modules to manage interlibrary loans traffic or incorporating existing systems developed by other vendors to enhance the overall functionality of their product. This paper will provide an overview of the protocol and its importance in supporting peer to peer interlibrary loan/document delivery activities. It will also review the level of protocol compliance of a number of ILL systems implemented, or available, in Australia. When choosing an ILL management system libraries must consider a range of issues, including: volume of transactions, borrowing and lending patterns, the level of automation of ILL partners, internal workflow, and service standards. The paper will consider the importance of these issues in the selection of an ILL system, and the need for, and level of ISO compliance of the system. The role of related standards such as Z39.50, NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol, and ISO2146 the international standard for library directories, will be considered.
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