From Aardvark to Xylophone to bandwidth from telephone:
VALA2002 CONCURRENT SESSION 13: e-nabling Infrastructures
Friday 8 February 2002, 14:35 – 15:05
Persistent URL:
Brendan Fitzgerald and Frances Savage
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The benefits and implications of online information delivery are now beginning to be understood. Libraries Online and Rural Libraries Online have since 1998 been developing Internet access in Victorian public libraries. Funded by State (Multimedia Victoria) and Australian Federal (Networking The Nation), these projects have provided a whole of Library approach to e-services which includes provision of bandwidth, infrastructure, ICT skills and content. The specific projects such as Satellite delivery of bandwidth, Rural POP’s, Victoria’s Virtual Library (, and the Gulliver consortium are discussed, as is the experience of working with 44 partners with very different needs and capacities and the associated ongoing issues.
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