Meta or better data? The value of user profiling for information services
Wednesday 6 February 2002, 11:20 – 11:50
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Stephen Northey and Bill Fatouros
Optimus Prime Pty Ltd
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The increased use of information technology and ‘meta data’ standards have resulted in a reduction in the competitive advantage gained from the application of traditional ‘meta-data’ elements, despite the continued importance of this practice. Without effective user profiling that allows information systems to match information with people, practice and strategy, the content expectations of these systems will inevitably fall short. Application of an extended range of ‘meta data’ elements can assist information services to differentiate their products and services in the market place, create a knowledge profile for their organisation and better target the delivery of services for competitive advantage. User profiles then become valuable information objects in themselves that allow users to locate expertise within an organisation and allow information services to position information within practice communities and strategic context.
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