Optimising Synergy between Metadata, Database Platform and Business Needs: the Case of SIM at RMIT
Wednesday 6 February 2002, 11:55 – 12:30
Persistent URL: http://www.vala.org.au/vala2002-proceedings/vala2002-session-2-williams
Rhys Williams, Troy Boulton, Phil Anderson and Cherryl Schauder
RMIT University
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In 2000 RMIT University launched a Web Refurbishment Project using RMIT Multi Media Database Systems’ SIM (Structured Information Manager) software. The vision of the project was to create an enterprise-wide information environment which encompasses functions from communication and learning, to knowledge and information management, and record keeping. To achieve these goals the SIM database platform was configured to make extensive use of a mix of technical and business metadata to underpin the diverse functions required of the system. This paper outlines how metadata operates at different levels of the Web publishing system, from the perspectives of system development and programming, project design and management, and metadata standards development.
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