VALA2002 Session 4 Smith

vala peer reviewed

What can e-libraries learn from e-business?

VALA2002 CONCURRENT SESSION 4: e-libraries
Wednesday 6 February 2002, 14:35 – 15:05
Persistent URL:

Alastair G Smith

Victoria University of Wellington

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Libraries were arguably early entrants into the e-business arena. When libraries made their online catalogues available via the Internet in the late 1980s, this was among the first instances of organisations marketing their products and services through the Internet. Now many libraries in the corporate environment provide most of their services electronically, pursuing a knowledge management strategy and managing the information content of the corporate intranet. However, have libraries done all that they can to capitalise on e-business developments? This paper will examine trends in e-business, and suggest how libraries can utilise these in enhancing their services.


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