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Evolution or Revolution: developing new organisational structures to meet the challenges of delivering online servicesVALA 2004 CONCURRENT SESSION 15: Strategic Information Planning Andrew WellsUniversity Librarian, UNSW Library Tony CargneluttiManager, Online Services Department, UNSW Library Kerrie TalmacsDigitisation Services Manager, Online Services Department, UNSW Library |
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The current convergence of technologies, international communications protocols and increasingly flexible web-based services has led to significant changes in the scholarly information environment. These changes, and the opportunities they present, have taken the ‘hybrid library’ from concept to reality. This new reality has forced academic libraries to give serious thought to how they can best realign resources to meet the challenges of the library in the 21st century. This means a significant cultural change requiring rethinking operational processes, as well as resource reallocation and the development of completely new services. This paper examines some of these complex issues within the context of UNSW Library’s own experience in meeting the challenges, which have led to the establishment of a new department in 2003 – the Online Services Department [OSD].
This paper is dedicated to Marian Bate and Richard d’Avigdor, whose forward thinking contributed enormously in shaping the direction of UNSW Library.