VALA2004 Session 4 Quenault

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Electronic and Live: Online Reference Two Years On

VALA 2004 CONCURRENT SESSION 4: Managing Digital Objects
Tuesday 3 February 2004, 15:10 – 15:40

Howard Quenault

VERS Program Director, Public Record Office Victoria

VALA Peer Reviewed Paper

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From a single acorn a great oak grows. This phrase encapsulates the journey, so far, of the Victorian Electronic Records Strategy; better recognised these days as VERS. From its inception in 1995 the ideas formulated and contained in the report ‘Keeping Electronic Records Forever’ were the starting point to an ongoing collaborative effort between the Victorian State Government, Industry and Academia to find a practical way to deal with digital records. After giving a brief background on the VERS strategy to set the appropriate context, this paper draws together the major contributing factors for the continuing impetus of the program:-

  • developing the vision,
  • strategic planning,
  • lessons learnt from practical implementations,
  • VERS Centre of Excellence,
  • developing the digital archive, and
  • the future of the program.