VALA2004 Session 7 Chawner

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Free/Open Source Software: New Opportunities, New Challenges

VALA 2004 CONCURRENT SESSION 7: Software Issues
Wednesday 4 February 2004, 14:00 – 14:30

Brenda Chawner

Senior Lecturer, School of Information Management, Victoria University of Wellington

VALA Peer Reviewed Paper

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The free/open source (F/OS) software model makes source code available to users, who can change the software to tailor it more closely to their own requirements. With many F/OS software applications now available for library and information management, organisations have a new option for acquiring and implementing systems, plus new opportunities for participating in F/OS projects. Examples of such systems include Koha, Greenstone, and MyLibrary. Factors associated with the successful adoption of F/OS applications for library and information management include the match with an organisation’s culture, technical infrastructure, staff skills, software functionality, and the extent of community support available.