VALA2004 Session 7 Cunningham

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Global and local dimensions of emerging community languages support

VALA 2004 CONCURRENT SESSION 7: Software Issues
Wednesday 4 February 2004, 14:35 – 15:05

Andrew Cunningham

e-Diversity and Content Infrastructure Solutions, Public Libraries Unit, Vicnet, State Library of Victoria

VALA Peer Reviewed Paper

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The changing immigration patterns and increasing number of migrants from Africa provide public libraries with new challenges for providing equitable library services to their communities. Current trends in the development and provision of electronic multicultural library services indicates the need for public libraries to engage with their local culturally and linguistically diverse communities and cooperatively develop solutions to resourcing and service delivery problems. The development of solutions for African communities involves the exchange of information, resources and knowledge between libraries and other service providers. The paper suggests that future electronic multicultural library services projects need to develop multilingual content infrastructure solutions to assist in ethnic community web publishing.