VALA2008 Session 13 Kurvink

VALA Peer Reviewed PaperA new paradigm for reference librarians in the online world: developing relationship around research and learning with library users

VALA 2008 CONCURRENT SESSION 13: Virtual Reference
Thursday 7 February 2008 11:20 – 11:50
Persistent URL:

Wilma Kurvink

College Head of Library and Information Services, Wesley College, Melbourne

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This paper examines the dilemmas around personal information retrieval and the role of the reference librarian in the era of readily available information sources. Research by Bilal and Kuhlthau informs the paradigm of information retrieval for learning. The paper proposes that users of online information, particularly students of all ages, create a new dimension of information use, where the librarian, as guide and intermediary, needs to assume a greater role. In an environment of increasing personalisation of information retrieval and a broader base of data sources, librarians can play a role in assisting learners with synthesis and understanding.