VALA2008 Session 16 Iezzi

VALA Peer Reviewed PaperInformation access: forging new paths

VALA 2008 CONCURRENT SESSION 16: Accessibility
Thursday 7 February 2008 14:00 – 14:30
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Tony Iezzi

Manager Information Access Services, Vision Australia

Tony Plumb

Manager i-access Program, Vision Australia

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Vision Australia (VA) has a bold new plan of making 100% of information available to its clients in accessible formats. Vision Australia Information Library Service has introduced a number of revolutionary new services, making current news and information available to people who have a print disability. Emphasis is on multiple access methods and format choices for clients using technology that maximises client choice. These services are being developed as part of a five year plan called the i-access program, at an estimated cost of $30 million dollars over five years.