VALA2008 Session 16 Pilarski

VALA Peer Reviewed PaperReaching the audience using podcasts, SMS/texting and blogs at the University of Newcastle Library

VALA 2008 CONCURRENT SESSION 16: Accessibility
Thursday 7 February 2008 14:35 – 15:05
Persistent URL:

Carla Pilarski

School Librarian, University of Newcastle

Debbie Posker

School Librarian, University of Newcastle

Please tag your comments, tweets, and blob posts about this session: #VALA2008


This paper discusses and highlights the ongoing journey at the University of Newcastle Library in the use of emerging Web 2.0 technologies. The University of Newcastle Library staff have “looked ahead” and identified new exciting ways of delivering Library Information and services to assist clients, in person, or online. Specific initiatives were developed which supported the goal of using emerging Web 2.0 technologies to facilitate user collaboration to resource sharing and effective use of the Library website.