Watch this space! Designing a new library for Macquarie University
VALA 2008 CONCURRENT SESSION 2: Library Spaces
Tuesday 5 February 2008, 10:45 – 11:15
Persistent URL:
Maxine Brodie
University Librarian, Macquarie University
Please tag your comments, tweets, and blob posts about this session: #VALA2008
Macquarie University is implementing a number of inter-related long-term strategies to deliver a new-generation library service that is client-centric rather than library-centric. In response to changing client expectations and to our University’s new strategy, we are making significant changes to service delivery, by redefining staff roles and our organisational structure, and by rebuilding our physical and electronic presence. This paper, one of a series, focuses on changes to the Library’s physical presence, and provides the background to the decision to construct a new clientcentred library building that reaffirms the Library’s centrality to research and learning. This paper provides a high-level overview of the key design concepts and the design process, including the utilisation of automated storage technologies to maximise the space available for clients.