From library automation to Library 2.0: exploring Web 2.0 tools, while reflecting on our traditional values as we move towards Library 2.0 and beyond
VALA 2010 CONCURRENT SESSION 13 – Web/Library 2.0
Thursday 11 February 2010 11:40 – 12:10
Persistent URL:
Paul Sutherland
Digital Innovation Librarian, Christchurch City Libraries, New Zealand
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- VALA2010 Session 13 Sutherland Paper 65.01 KB
- VALA2010 Session 13 Sutherland Presentation 13.69 MB
- VALA2010 Session 13 Sutherland Podcast 15.52 MB
This paper reflects on Christchurch City Libraries’ history of the use of technology, including more recent use of Web 2.0 tools, and some of the learnings along the way. First there is a brief examination of Christchurch City Libraries’ digital progress from library automation to the World Wide Web. This is followed by considering some key examples of using Web 2.0, including a library blog, podcasting, a staff learning program, using Flickr and community archiving. Finally the paper reflects on our progress and raises some questions about what libraries and the library community need to do to move us further towards the participatory library world that the notion of Library 2.0 promises to deliver.