Finding a new voice: keys to building successful online communities
VALA 2010 CONCURRENT SESSION 14 – Online Communities
Thursday 11 February 2010 14:20 – 14:50
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Fiona Salisbury
Learning & Research Services Manager, Library, La Trobe University
Sandi Monaghan
Learning & Research Services Manager, Library, La Trobe University
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- VALA2010 Session 14 Salisbury Paper 416.19 KB
- VALA2010 Session 14 Salisbury Presentation 316.83 KB
- VALA2010 Session 14 Salisbury Podcast 11.90 MB
This paper examines La Trobe University Library’s experience in adopting Web 2.0 technologies to build and increase interaction with their online community. Examples discussed include the library blog and LMS discussion threads. The content, participation, and online conversation in these examples are examined and analysed with a view to understanding key elements in building successful online communities.