Everything I know about cataloguing I learned from watching James Bond
Wednesday 10 February 2010 14:20 – 14:50
Persistent URL: http://www.vala.org.au/vala2010-proceedings/vala2010-session-7-hagon
Paul Hagon
Senior Web Designer, National Library of Australia
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- VALA2010 Session 7 Hagon Paper 109.61 KB
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Is it enough to rely on human interpretation for cataloguing our collections, or like James Bond, will we require high tech gadgets to get the job done? Image searches now analyse the pixel-by-pixel colour values of an image, allowing searching by colour. Consumer-grade photo management software incorporates facial recognition, allowing us to identify individuals. When researching, will we be querying the content to get the metadata or will we still be relying on querying the metadata to deliver the content? Will these technologies filter down into the way we catalogue items within our collections, or will this be a layer that enhances our traditional cataloguing methodologies or provides an additional service for our users?