VALA2012 Plenary 3 Miller

VALA2012 Plenary 3 Miller

Linked data – weaving the web of libraries, museums and archives

VALA2012 PLENARY 3: Eric Miller
Wednesday 8 February 2012, 8:45 – 9:55
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Eric Miller

Zepheira Inc, USA

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VALA2010 Keynote Speaker
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Wednesday, February 08, 2012, 8:45 AM AUSEDT, 1 Hour 12 Minutes 59 Seconds

Eric Miller


The Web is the most successful communication platform ever conceived and is quickly evolving into the most pervasive knowledge sharing platform imaginable. Linked Data enables this platform by leveraging the Web as an architecture for connecting data, lowering social and technical barriers for sharing connections and accelerating social computing. This presentation will provide an overview of Linked Data and discuss the evolving technical, social and policy trends that are shaping this effort. This talk will further demonstrate practical uses of this architecture and discuss how collaboration among libraries, museums and cultural heritage communities can be accelerated by Linked Data. Leveraging these technologies we can accelerate collaboration beyond our traditional community walls and provide new ways for users to navigate, discover, curate and remix relevant information.

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VALA2012 Session 7 Peasley

VALA2012 Session 7 Peasley

Demystifying automated retrieval systems: the clients’ perspective

VALA2012 CONCURRENT SESSION 7: Spaces, Physical and Virtual
Wednesday 8 February 2012, 13:45 – 14:15
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Jennifer Peasley

Macquarie University Library, NSW

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VALA2012VALA Peer Reviewed
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Wednesday, February 08, 2012, 1:45 PM AUSEDT, 27 Minutes 54 Seconds.


The implementation of an automated storage and retrieval system at Macquarie University Library offered clear benefits for managing our collection, but the impact on clients of the library was largely unknown. Client acceptance was critically important to the success of the project; we used this opportunity to work more closely with clients, change perceptions and identify new ways of improving both physical and virtual access to the collection. This paper will explore the implementation of this new system, the work undertaken to gain client acceptance and the development of services to improve the exposure of library resources.

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VALA2012 Session 7 Ellis

VALA2012 Session 7 Ellis

Empowering through space? : post-occupancy evaluation of redesigned library spaces

VALA2012 CONCURRENT SESSION 7: Spaces, Physical and Virtual
Wednesday 8 February 2012, 14:20 – 14:50
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Jenny Ellis, Karen Kealy and Alissa Sputore

University of Melbourne, Vic

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Wednesday, February 08, 2012, 2:20 PM AUSEDT, 13 Minutes 34 Seconds.


A great deal of time and effort is put into the planning and design of library spaces, but how do we know we have got it right? How do we know if students want to use the space, if it meets their needs, and are they are using it in the way we envisaged? To confirm whether the choices made through the design and development process are choices that support our high-level aspirations, evaluation is an essential part of the redevelopment process. In particular, are the spaces being used for the purposes they were designed for? Do the spaces support the interactions and informal learning behaviours we anticipated?

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VALA2012 Session 7 Harper

VALA2012 Session 7 Harper

Cloud 9: new services and engagements

VALA2012 CONCURRENT SESSION 7: Spaces, Physical and Virtual
Wednesday 8 February 2012, 14:55 – 15:25
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Glenn Harper

Frankston City Libraries, Vic

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Wednesday, February 08, 2012, 2:55 PM AUSEDT, 26 Minutes 50 Seconds.


This paper follows the experiences of Frankston City Libraries in its use of Web 2.0 tools, including blogging, a browser toolbar, Facebook, Flickr, Meebo, online football tipping, Twitter, RSS and email feeds. The overall philosophy has been to place the Library where its customers are online. Web 2.0 services have enabled the Library to make its exclusive resources, like local history photographs, more accessible and have been used as a tool to engage with customers in conversation. Some of these experiments have been successful and others more problematic. There are lessons to be learnt and successes to be shared.

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VALA2012 Session 8 Livingston

VALA2012 Session 8 Livingston

What is the catalogue?

Wednesday 8 February 2012, 13:45 – 14:15
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Helen Livingston

University of South Australia

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Wednesday, February 08, 2012, 1:45 PM AUSEDT, 24 Minutes 4 Seconds.



Full abstract details to be provided.

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VALA2012 Session 8 Feighan

VALA2012 Session 8 Feighan

The Internet of everything – linking the print and online collections

Wednesday 8 February 2012, 14:20 – 14:50
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David Feighan

Bialik College, Vic

Sue Healey, co-presentor

Tintern Schools, Vic

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Wednesday, February 08, 2012, 2:20 PM AUSEDT, 32 Minutes 30 Seconds.


As is true for many libraries, the Bialik College Library print collection is shrinking and the online resources are growing. The library is also changing from “being the place where the books are kept” to a busy, flexible and interactive learning space. One opportunity and challenge that comes with this transition is how to create meaningful two-way links between the online and print collections. Furthermore, how can these two parts of the collection be linked via a patron’s mobile device without the need to type in a catalogue or portal URL. In short, how does the library establish the ‘Internet of everything’.

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VALA2012 Session 8 Foxall

VALA2012 Session 8 Foxall

Change or fade away: school libraries need to provide for, and lead, educational change

Wednesday 8 February 2012, 14:55 – 15:25

Bronwyn Foxall

Abbotsleigh School, NSW

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VALA2012VALA Peer Reviewed


Change or fade away: school libraries need to provide for, and lead, educational change
School libraries are in a state of flux, dealing with the rapid pace of change in education and in the needs of staff and students. Libraries need to be leading educational change in their schools and reinventing what it means to be an excellent centre for learning. The six-year-old purpose-built library at Abbotsleigh needs alterations to the physical space, due to changing educational needs. In 2012, every student in the secondary school will have a laptop. The impact of this on the library means that there will be significant spaces that can be reinvented. This paper will focus on how the Betty Archdale Library at Abbotsleigh is seeking to meet these challenges and will discuss ways to address the issues associated with the changing educational landscape.

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VALA2012 Session 9 Neil

VALA2012 Session 9 Neil

Approval of ‘E’: fuss-free selection and acquisition

Wednesday 8 February 2012, 13:45 – 14:15
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Alison Neil

University of New South Wales

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VALA2012VALA Peer Reviewed
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Wednesday, February 08, 2012, 1:45 PM AUSEDT, 26 Minutes 50 Seconds.


EBooks might be a great innovation but how does a library use them without having to redesign how material is selected and acquired? Although libraries might experience small bumps in the road when acquiring print items and online serials, most have established workflows to select what is required and to provide access in a quick and efficient manner. This paper will examine the difficulties University of New South Wales experienced in acquiring eBooks, and the mechanisms needed to maintain a fuss? free selection and acquisition workflow, which incorporates eBooks as just another format.

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VALA2012 Session 9 Quilliam

VALA2012 Session 9 Quilliam

eMpowering Acquisitions for mediated selection

Wednesday 8 February 2012, 14:20 – 14:50
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Jenny Quilliam and Eleanor Thomas

University of South Australia Library

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VALA2012VALA Peer Reviewed
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Wednesday, February 08, 2012, 2:20 PM AUSEDT, 25 Minutes 22 Seconds.


An examination of the issues arising from implementation of a mandated e?preference collection policy for mediated and unmediated selection at a university library, this paper identifies the additional functionality and services needed from publishers, acquisitions vendors and integrated library systems providers to support the full span of collection development activities in a digital world. Issues discussed include reaction from clients, variation in publication lag time between formats, limited vendor support for mediated digital acquisitions, management of client and library staff expectations, incorporation of patron selections, importance of involving acquisitions staff in workflow redesign, and effect on performance targets.

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VALA2012 Session 9 Burton

VALA2012 Session 9 Burton

Building in the ‘e’: creating the virtual bookshelf

Wednesday 8 February 2012, 14:55 – 15:25
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Fiona Burton and Maureen Kattau

Macquarie University Library, NSW

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VALA2012VALA Peer Reviewed
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Wednesday, February 08, 2012, 2:55 PM AUSEDT, 23 Minutes 53 Seconds.


The development of hybrid collections of physical and electronic resources presents a challenge for library users who wish to browse physical and e-resource collections. At Macquarie University Library, the ability to browse electronically has become particularly important with the implementation of our Automated Retrieval Collection, which will store 80% of our print collections. In seeking for a way to improve the browsing capabilities for our physical collections that would also extend to our electronic resources, we created a ‘virtual bookshelf’, which integrates both our physical and electronic collections in a call number display.

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