VALA2012 Plenary 4 Lyon

VALA2012 Plenary 4 Lyon

The informatics transform : re-engineering libraries for the Data Decade

VALA2012 PLENARY 4: Liz Lyon
Wednesday 8 February 2012, 16:00 – 17:10
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Liz Lyon

UKOLN, University of Bath, UK

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VALA2010 Keynote Speaker
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Wednesday, February 08, 2012, 4:00 PM AUSEDT, 59 Minutes 30 Seconds

Liz Lyon


This talk will present a case for a new and transformative library paradigm which delivers innovative informatics services to support data-intensive research. It will draw on cutting-edge exemplars from open data initiatives, public participation and citizen science, socio-ethical challenges with personal data, policy drivers, emergent scholarly communications and research impact metrics /tools, all of which are radically changing the research landscape. The presentation will explore how libraries can respond to these challenges with novel informatics services, new data support roles and pioneering strategic partnerships.

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VALA2012 Plenary 5 Roche

VALA2012 Plenary 5 Roche

Guinness Archive: unlocking the potential of an iconic global brand

VALA2012 PLENARY 5: Eibhlin Roche
Thursday 9 February 2012, 8:45 – 9:55
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Eibhlin Roche

Guinness Storehouse, Ireland

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VALA2010 Keynote Speaker
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Thursday, February 09, 2012, 8:45 AM AUSEDT, 1 Hour 4 Minutes 6 Seconds.

Eibhlin RocheAbstract

In 2009, GUINNESS celebrated 250 years since Arthur Guinness signed a 9000 year lease on the St. James’s Gate brewery in Dublin. Since 1759, GUINNESS has grown to become one of the world’s most iconic brands and the pro-active digitization of the Guinness Archive is recognized as a key enabler to the future growth of the brand. This paper will explore the central role of the Archive in the development and interpretation of content for the Guinness Storehouse visitor experience, and demonstrate how the digitized Archive allows the global GUINNESS marketing teams exploit and communicate heritage information to consumers in new and innovative ways in the digital user environment in order to grow brand reputation.

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VALA2012 Session 10 Reid

VALA2012 Session 10 Reid

Opening up the playground: supporting library staff to learn through play

VALA2012 CONCURRENT SESSION 10: eM-powering Professionals
Thursday 9 February 2012, 10:30 – 11:00
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Helen Reid and Kim Tairi

Swinburne University of Technology, Vic

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VALA2012VALA Peer Reviewed
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Thursday, February 09, 2012, 10:30 AM AUSEDT, 25 Minutes 7 Seconds.


Technology is the backbone of our libraries. Keeping up with the pace of change in emerging technologies is the challenge. It’s time to reassess how we spread emerging technologies throughout our workplaces. The success of the “Learning 2.0” programs around the world points to informal learning as being the way forward. Staff are increasingly being told to ‘go and play’ with emerging technology. This paper will explore the barriers and enablers of informal learning in libraries. It provides real-life examples of how to overcome barriers and create an environment conducive to spreading emerging technologies.

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VALA2012 Session 10 Kiel

VALA2012 Session 10 Kiel

Brave new habits: evaluation of a library leadership program for a culture of innovation and creative contribution

VALA2012 CONCURRENT SESSION 10: eM-powering Professionals
Thursday 9 February 2012, 11:05 – 11:35
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Ralph Kiel and Frances O’Neil

Victoria University, Vic

Jen Scantlebury

Cocoon Consulting, Vic

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Thursday, February 09, 2012, 11:05 AM AUSEDT, 27 Minutes 49 Seconds.


The Victoria University Librarian commenced in 2009 with a strong change agenda, with an emphasis on cultural change. He initiated a leadership program to underpin this change agenda and strengthen the ability of the Library’s leaders to drive innovation and change. The program comprised workshops, preference profiling, individual coaching, action-learning projects and tutorials. Evaluation of the program assessed its worth and effectiveness in contributing to organisational goals. In particular, it assessed the extent to which the program improved the participants’ ability to take up a leadership role strongly and to lead change. The program produced benefits to the Library which would not have been delivered, had it not occurred.

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VALA2012 Session 10 Hardware

VALA2012 Session 10 Hardware

Where to next? A case study of the development of a Career Pathing Tool for the Division of Information Service, Griffith University

VALA2012 CONCURRENT SESSION 10: eM-powering Professionals
Thursday 9 February 2012, 11:40 – 12:10
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Jennifer Hardware

Griffith University, Qld

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VALA2012VALA Peer Reviewed
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Thursday, February 09, 2012, 11:40 AM AUSEDT, 30 Minutes.


Change is an integral part of life for Information Technology and Information Professionals. Information Services, Griffith University, has designed a Career Pathing Tool as one way to help manage change and support its staff through change. It is intended to assist staff with their career development, by providing them with an understanding of the career paths available and the skills and training needed to move into the types of roles offered. This paper outlines the processes being developed, the hurdles faced so far and the goal for the completed tool.

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VALA2012 Session 11 Stent

VALA2012 Session 11 Stent

Digitising historical data: that’s just scanning the tables from the books isn’t it?

VALA2012 CONCURRENT SESSION 11: Digitisation
Thursday 9 February 2012, 10:30 – 11:00
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Claire Stent

Statistics New Zealand

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VALA2012VALA Peer Reviewed
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Thursday, February 09, 2012, 10:30 AM AUSEDT, 26 Minutes 12 Seconds.


This is the story of how a simple scanning project became a learning experience in the complexities of working with technology to enhance the user experience. We will explore issues around digitising historical data in ways that enable the users to discover and interact with the data rather than just passively view it.

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VALA2012 Session 11 Wright

VALA2012 Session 11 Wright

Libraries and licensing: the eFuture will require legal as well as technical skills

VALA2012 CONCURRENT SESSION 11: Digitisation
Thursday 9 February 2012, 11:05 – 11:35
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Robin Wright

Swinburne University of Technology, VIC

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In the eFuture, interactions between a library and its clients will increasingly be mediated through the terms of commercial licensing agreements, rather than under exceptions in copyright legislation. Libraries will need to manage a shifting web of licensed access and usage rights, controlled by legal, and often also technical, mechanisms, rather than operating under a single rights regime applying to their whole collection. This may require changes to existing library services, based on copyright law. This paper reviews a small selection of licence agreements for the delivery of online or eBook resources by Australian academic libraries and considers some administrative and policy issues that may arise when libraries move from purchasing collections of hard copy monographs to providing licensed access to electronic media.

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VALA2012 Session 11 Greenhill

VALA2012 Session 11 Greenhill

No library required: the free and easy backwaters of online content sharing

VALA2012 CONCURRENT SESSION 11: Digitisation
Thursday 9 February 2012, 11:40 – 12:10
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Kathryn Greenhill

Curtin University, WA

Constance Wiebrands

Edith Cowan University Library, WA

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VALA2012VALA Peer Reviewed
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Thursday, February 09, 2012, 11:40 AM AUSEDT, 31 Minutes 24 Seconds.


Twentieth century libraries were funded to provide content to their communities legally, easily and free. In the twenty-first century, new online competitors supply home consumers – legally and illegally – with what libraries traditionally were best at providing to library users – free and easy content. This paper suggests that library staff arguing for the value of contemporary libraries should be aware of the quality, methods and material of “hidden competitors”. Some “hidden competitors” discussed include “blackmarket” journal article sharing, BitTorrenting sites, online textbook sharing sites, self-distributing artists, programs to strip Digital Rights Management from ebooks, Amazon’s ebook distribution and (fan fiction). Possible future models for both “hidden competitors” and libraries – and implications of these – are suggested.

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VALA2012 Session 12 Badham

VALA2012 Session 12 Badham

QR codes: do they provide the missing link between the physical and digital?

VALA2012 CONCURRENT SESSION 12: Apps and Applications
Thursday 9 February 2012, 10:30 – 11:00

Tristan Badham

RMIT University, Vic

(VALA Travel Scholar)

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VALA Peer Reviewed






Travel Scholar

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Thursday, February 09, 2012, 10:30 AM AUSEDT, 31 Minutes 3 Seconds.


This paper provides a comprehensive overview and critical analysis of the implementation of Quick Response codes (QR codes) in academic and public libraries, and investigates their varied uses within Australian and International institutions, with the support of a VALA Travel Scholarship. QR codes are a primary technology being used by libraries to engage and assist users by providing a bridge to access the ever-expanding amount of library information and resources that have been optimised for use on mobile devices. This paper explores the various applications these libraries have found for QR codes, and the processes involved in their implementation, promotion and maintenance; reception by library staff and patrons; future applications for the technology; and discusses related technologies.

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VALA2012 Session 12 Warren

VALA2012 Session 12 Warren

Hacking the nation: Libraryhack and community-created apps

VALA2012 CONCURRENT SESSION 12: Apps and Applications
Thursday 9 February 2012, 11:05 – 11:35
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Margaret Warren

State Library of Queensland

Richard Hayward

State Library of Victoria

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VALA2012VALA Peer Reviewed
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Thursday, February 09, 2012, 11:05 AM AUSEDT, 29 Minutes 16 Seconds.


The Libraryhack competition, run by National and State Libraries Australasia, provided the Australian library sector with the opportunity to interact with developers and artists and work in new ways to enhance the role of libraries in the community. It also provided valuable insight into how our users wish to interact with our collections, our data, and our libraries. Finally, it challenged us to embrace what will be the fundamentally collaborative nature of the future library. This paper will showcase some of the applications and mashups created, explore marketing and promotion outcomes, successful strategies to build staff engagement and positive collaborative relationships with participants in the competition.

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