VALA2012 Plenary 3 Miller

VALA2012 Plenary 3 Miller

Linked data – weaving the web of libraries, museums and archives

VALA2012 PLENARY 3: Eric Miller
Wednesday 8 February 2012, 8:45 – 9:55
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Eric Miller

Zepheira Inc, USA

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VALA2010 Keynote Speaker
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Wednesday, February 08, 2012, 8:45 AM AUSEDT, 1 Hour 12 Minutes 59 Seconds

Eric Miller


The Web is the most successful communication platform ever conceived and is quickly evolving into the most pervasive knowledge sharing platform imaginable. Linked Data enables this platform by leveraging the Web as an architecture for connecting data, lowering social and technical barriers for sharing connections and accelerating social computing. This presentation will provide an overview of Linked Data and discuss the evolving technical, social and policy trends that are shaping this effort. This talk will further demonstrate practical uses of this architecture and discuss how collaboration among libraries, museums and cultural heritage communities can be accelerated by Linked Data. Leveraging these technologies we can accelerate collaboration beyond our traditional community walls and provide new ways for users to navigate, discover, curate and remix relevant information.

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