VALA2012 Session 10 Hardware

VALA2012 Session 10 Hardware

Where to next? A case study of the development of a Career Pathing Tool for the Division of Information Service, Griffith University

VALA2012 CONCURRENT SESSION 10: eM-powering Professionals
Thursday 9 February 2012, 11:40 – 12:10
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Jennifer Hardware

Griffith University, Qld

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Thursday, February 09, 2012, 11:40 AM AUSEDT, 30 Minutes.


Change is an integral part of life for Information Technology and Information Professionals. Information Services, Griffith University, has designed a Career Pathing Tool as one way to help manage change and support its staff through change. It is intended to assist staff with their career development, by providing them with an understanding of the career paths available and the skills and training needed to move into the types of roles offered. This paper outlines the processes being developed, the hurdles faced so far and the goal for the completed tool.

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