VALA2014 Plenary 4 Finch

The book of the world: crossing boundaries in culture and outreach

Wednesday 5 February 2014, 16:00 – 17:10
Persistent URL:

Matt Finch

Parkes Shire, NSW

Please tag your comments, tweets, and blog posts about this session: #vala14 and #p4

VALA2014 Keynote Speaker

Watch the presentationListen to VALA2014 Red Carpet chat with Matt Finch (Episode 19) with Corin Haines on Corin’s Library Chat website


How can we best empower frontline staff in the GLAM sector to develop new ways of serving their communities? Is the cardboard box the single greatest piece of technology in the 21st century public library? Why might chaos and disorder be librarians’ best friends? And should we vaporise anyone who uses the word “hub” when discussing the future of cultural institutions? Matt will explore these questions and more, drawing on recent experiences instigating productive forms of transgression in libraries, galleries, schools, and cultural venues across Australia, New Zealand, and the Philippines. (The VALA organisers would like to reassure you that any vaporisation will be purely figurative).

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