VALA2018 Plenary 5 King

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David Lee King

The C Equation: Content + Connection + Community = Contented Customers

Thursday 15 February 2018, 9:00 – 10:15

David Lee King

Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library, Kansas

Please tag your comments, tweets, and blog posts about this session: #vala2018 #p5

View the video of the presentation on the VALA2018 GigTV channel here:


Big or small, urban or rural, every library has three critical aspects that will always affect customers: content, connection, and community.

Learn how to harness the power of traditional and emerging content needs, face-to-face connections—whether online or in-person—and community building. Putting these 3Cs to work will help your library achieve the ultimate goal: contented customers.


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