VALA2018 Session 7 Lawrence

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Amanda Lawrence
Amanda Lawrence

APO linked open data collections for public policy

Wednesday 14 February 2018, 11:25 – 11:55

Amanda Lawrence

APO Analysis and Policy Observatory

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Read the paper, view the video of the presentation on the VALA2018 GigTV channel and view the presentation slides here:


Linked data is an approach to digital information infrastructure that aims to enhance the utility of data on the web, by making it more consistent, structured and connected, and therefore discoverable and able to be analysed within and across information systems. Key elements are the need for information rich structured data, standardised classification systems and stable online locations for linking across information systems. The implementation of linked data approaches is allowing APO to go beyond standard bibliographic information on publications and data to consider every piece of structured and unstructured information as a potential source of data that can be analysed and visualised to provide new knowledge on policy issues and the policy process.


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