Putting the student in the library driver’s seat: implementing student co-design with existing library platforms to build engaging blended learning outcomes
Tuesday 11 February 2020, 12:00 – 12:30
David Feighan
- Information and Library Services Manager
- Mentone Girls’ Grammar School
Ellie Beni
- Head of Year 7 and science teacher
- Mentone Girls’ Grammar School
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Read the paper, view the video of the presentation on the VALAView channel and view the presentation slides here:
This paper focuses on a school library’s approach to using existing online platforms and services to scaffold learning by enabling students to directly curate content into the library’s portal. The goal of this pilot project is a student co-designed and blended learning program to teach students how to: use collections and the literature, cite and reference, and introduces the peer review process. This enables the library to move from a passive role, being the source of quality curated collections, to a more strategic partner and collaborator role that is directly involved in delivering value by improved student learning outcomes.
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