The Interdependent Library System: Revisiting Human Aspects of Library Automation
Thursday 11th July 2024, 9.25-10.25am
Tara Brabazon
- Dean of Graduate Studies and Professor of Cultural Studies
- Charles Darwin University
Tara will be presenting on her latest work at VALA. “Trumped Literacies: A new model for information and knowledge in claustropolitan times”, which will explore how librarians, educators and information professionals manage the speed of mis/information while enabling debate, diversity and expertise?
Tara Brabazon is the Dean of Graduate Studies and Professor of Cultural Studies at Charles Darwin University, Professor of Cultural Studies at Flinders University, Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce (RSA), Member of the College of Distinguished Educators, and Director of the Popular Culture Collective. She has worked in ten universities in four countries and most of the states and territories of Australia. Tara has held the leadership roles of Dean, Head of School, Head of Department, Head of Programme and Institutional Research Leader of national assessment exercises.
Tara is currently writing three books, on academic failure, the Claustropolitan University and Claustropop: Popular culture at the end of the world. She is a columnist for the Times Higher Education, produces audiobooks, and runs a successful and popular podcast programme (since 2008). Tara has developed the genre of academic vlogs for higher degree students, through her weekly series.
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