An Invaluable Educational Multi-tool: Open Educational Resources
Wednesday 10th July 2024, 12.55-1.10pm
Rani McLennan
- Research Support Librarian
- Council of Australian University Librarians
Due to rising learning costs, open educational resources and practices are building momentum by necessity in Australia. The complex relationship between copyright, open licensing and the for-profit academic publishing industry has remained difficult to comprehend.This infographic and accompanying speech aims to demonstrate how open educational resources (OER) and practices (OEP) are a valuable and justifiable endeavour grounded in local, regional, national and global organisational strategies.The audience will leave this session with a better understanding of OER and OEP and recognise how it engages with their professional and institutional transformative educational strategies.The audience will also learn about CAUL’s inspiring OER Collective community of practice affecting regional change.
Rani McLennan is the Open Educational Resources (OER) Collective Project Officer at the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL). She has over a decade of experience in public, school, and academic libraries. Her interests include the communication of complex information through text and visuals and openly licensed image collections.
This work is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International.