VALA2024 Concurrent Session 01 Fennelly

Collaborative design in action: delivering Deakin Library’s research metrics dashboard through an experience design process


Tuesday 9th July 2024, 12.10-12.40pm

Sarah Fennelly

  • Visual Design Lead
  • Deakin University

Marzieh Asgari

  • Research Librarian (Bibliometrics and Reporting)
  • Deakin University

Presentation: (coming soon)



The bibliometrics reporting process is complex, with reports generated from a range of sources, requiring a high-level of mediation by expert Librarians.  We saw an opportunity to build our own research metrics reporting tool that would allow us to:connect diverse data sources together into a single, user-friendly interface for our defined research user group, improving their ability to self-serve; and reduce workload and intervention for our librarians to support the promotions and grants processes. By following a cross-library collaborative experience design process, we’ve been able to build a successful self-service Research Metrics Dashboard that we’re now trialling over the course of 2024. This presentation will discuss the drivers for this project, and aspects of each phase of the process to successfully deliver a functioning dashboard to support librarians and researcher alike.


Sarah Fennelly is Lead Visual Designer for Deakin University Library who brings a wealth of expertise to visual & UI design for the Library’s digital ecosystem. A focus of Sarah’s work is creating & collaborating with others on the design of high-quality, consistent, scalable and user-centred digital artefacts and applications. Sarah has been instrumental in shaping the form of design elements, interfaces and experiences for Library materials. Sarah also maintains, develops and advises upon the Library’s global design principles and the use of the Library design elements by the library community.


Marzieh Asgari is a Research Librarian specialising in Bibliometrics and Reporting at Deakin Library. She is responsible for developing and supporting Library services and expertise related to reporting on scholarly outputs, research impact, and bibliometrics. Marzieh’s diverse education and experiences have uniquely positioned her to bridge the worlds of academia and library services, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and fostering a deep understanding of scholarly research and information needs.

This work is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International.